How Many Calories Should a Man Eat Per Day?

The daily caloric needs of one person differ from that of another.  One can maintain a healthy body weight by keeping a close watch on how many calories he / she consumes in a day. In fact, this is a good way to avoid certain diseases related to being overweight.

Daily Caloric Needs and BMR

A person’s basal metabolic rate and one’s daily caloric needs are definitely interrelated. An individual’s basal metabolic rate refers to the amount of calories that one’s body requires in order to perform the most basic functions that will sustain life. In other words, this would indicate just how many calories you would need to survive from day to day. You can say that this is the most basic amount of calories you should consume every day.

Determining Factors

There are several factors that will determine certain changes in your calculation of daily caloric needs. One’s age, sex, weight, amount of physical activity and height will definitely play a part and influence just how many calories you should consume every day.

Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate

A grown man will calculate his basal metabolic rate in this manner: multiply one’s weight in pound by 6.3 and add 66. One’s height will be multiplied by 12.9 and then added off to the previous result. One’s age is multiplied by 6.8 and is then subtracted to the previous total. This would then give the man’s basal metabolic rate.

Factoring in Your Physical Activity

It is quite obvious that a man that who leads an active life style will require more calories as compared to one who is basically a couch potato. The amount of physical activity one engages in should be definitely factored into the calculation of daily caloric needs.

One’s basal metabolic rate will be multiplied by 20% if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Those who are slightly more active will require a factoring of 30% as compared to couch potatoes. Moderately active people should multiply their BMR by 40%. Those who lead very active lifestyles should multiply their BMR by 50%. However, those who are engaged in athletic training and are extra active should multiply their BMR results by 60%.

Work With a Dietician

It is great knowing all these things regarding one’s daily caloric needs. Given all this, one should never forget to work with their dietician in order to accurately determine just how much they really need to eat in order to lead healthy lives.